Social-Media (Business Tools)

Social-Media (Business Tools)

Related pages:


  • Cheezburger - Announcement of The Day: Instagram Model Quits Social Media in Spectacular Fashion

    • "NOT REAL LIFE - paid tea post. Yep likely if you see a girl with a large amount of followers promote a tea with an Instagram tag. They were paid a lot.... I did it when I stared at like $300 a post. With my following now I could make $2000AUD a post EASY."

      • That still seems relatively inexpensive to me if you were going to launch a new product (eg Instagram had a bunch of people tweet about their product).


My advice

  • Set up your account to get an email when someone replies to you or sends you a message, and then block the actual website using your hosts file (on Windows) so you don't get sucked into spending tons of time there.

Things you can do to market a product on Reddit

  • Add a link next to your username.

    • You'll sometimes see little images next to people's usernames that link to that user's personal Soundcloud / website. The images are called "flair", and you can set your image / link by looking at the right sidebar


  • Advice from fadarsiddiq on WIP about how he edited his 800k-view video:

    • 1 min video = the recording depends on the event but usually less then 10-15 mins / editing is less then 10mins.

      For the 800k view video = recording time: 1hr, editing time: 30mins with voice over and script.

      I usually do 1-3 or 1-5secs rule of recording per angle. Then i add all the video into 60secs 1 minute video.

      Anyways now iOS 18 have new record/pause feature it will be useful to record different angle/scene then see the time 60secs / 1 minute.


Getting set up

  1. How to create a stream

  2. How to set up saved streams

  3. How to set a banner.

    1. Go to your channel page - Click your name (the top profile banner should now appear) - Hover the profile banner and the text "Update profile banner" should appear. - Click the text and change the image. (Source)


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