Go-To-Market / GTM (Sales / Marketing / Advertising / Virality)

Go-To-Market / GTM (Sales / Marketing / Advertising / Virality)

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  • It is becoming clear to me from Martin's success and peter levels success and the success of Tom Francis that it is very advantageous to have a following of people who will be interested in your products when you release them. They will be your first customers, they will form the crucial early community, and they will tell their friends and help create virality.

How to get your initial customers

  • 2015.11.20 - NYT - Shares of Square Soar by 45% After Public Offering
    • At Square, the company can still count on loyal merchants. When Mr. Dorsey was releasing the credit card reader in 2009, he passed a woman named Cheri Mims every morning while she sold flowers outdoors near his apartment. She became Square’s first merchant.

      “His vibe felt genuine,” Ms. Mims said in an interview

Misc articles / videos / discussions

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Misc stuff to file away

  • Restaurants should make more use of their bathrooms as a way to capture potential customers. I went into one restaurant because I needed to use the toilet, but the food smelled so good and the bathroom tiles were so nice that I thought "This is a place I should check out".