How to become successful
Nathan Wailes - Blog - GitHub - LinkedIn - Patreon - Reddit - Stack Overflow - Twitter - YouTube
How to become successful
- Assemble a team of moderately-successful people
- Bootstrap / Start simple / create a minimum-viable-product (MVP)
- Get known / have connections / build a following
- Get powerful allies to fund / protect you if necessary
- Get skilled
- Hold onto equity
- Minimize the cost of joining / using your solution
- Protect your intellectual property / Get a patent
- Protect your work / be secretive if necessary
- Solve a ubiquitous problem
- Spend your time / money differently than average people
- Try to get close to / work for successful people you admire
- Watch out for new technology
Related pages
- R.W. Hamming - A Stroke of Genius: Striving for Greatness in All You Do
- This is a guy who knew Feynman.
- 2016.10.15 - YouTube - h3h3Productions - We Owe you Guys an Explanation...
- They started the channel because there were videos on YouTube that were getting a lot of praise and views that they thought were really stupid.
- Their first reaction video was to some random 'first kiss' video, where Ethan just said to Hila, "grab the camera, we're going to make a video", and people really liked it.
- Tactics: The Art and Science of Success
- I saw this on the shelf at the Stanford GSB.
- Mentored by a Millionaire: Master Strategies of Super Achievers
- I saw this on the shelf at the Stanford GSB.
- 12 Choices That Lead to Your Success
- I saw this at Stanford GSB.
WIRED 24 Hour Play Competition
- I'm reminded of the success we had with "Let's Make a Baby!"
- We definitely had by-far the best script. I think that's analogous to what Ben Horowitz calls "product-market fit", aka "a good idea".
- ...but we also had a good team, with good people in especially key roles
, multiple selections available,
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