Assemble a team of moderately-successful people

Assemble a team of moderately-successful people

Find someone who has been moderately successful but wants to become super-successful.
- You may not want to go after people who are super-successful because there may be a lot more competition for their attention and the marginal benefit that you can provide to them may be less than the marginal benefit that you can provide to someone else who is less successful (but still more successful than you).

Kyle Bass in his mid-30s, or Ev after he sold Blogger for tens of millions, or Sean Parker after he'd founded Napster but didn't get super rich.
- There are some good quotes in Andrew Carnegie's autobio about this that I need to find. A crucial part of his success was that he knew who was good at what they did and who wasn't. Or as Felix Dennis said, he was good at hiring.
- Example: Felix Dennis says the only thing you need to be good at is hiring. And he says one of the top reasons a startup will fail is "skimping on talent".

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