Choosing a company's logo / name-styling

Choosing a company's logo / name-styling

  • Constraints I'm noticing:
    • How quick / easy is it to spot on the app screen?
      • realfavicongenerator says "make sure your favicon will always be prominent, whatever the background"
    • How easy is it to recognize it from afar?
      • This is very similar to a test you can do for camouflage
      • It's also similar to the test I applied to advertisements, where they should aim to grab your attention from afar rather than just being a wall of text.
    • How easy is it to distinguish the icon from other popular icons?
    • How well does the icon give an impression of what the app is for?
      • This may be more important for new apps.
    • How much of the physical space allotted to the icon is used up by the icon?

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