Gmail (Business Tool)

Gmail (Business Tool)

Table of contents

Child pages

Useful features

Tools / Extensions

  • Gmail Delay-Send
    • Yang was the way I found out about this one.
  • Boomerang
    • This is extremely helpful for setting reminders to follow up on a conversation if the other person doesn't reply.
  • Boomerang Calendar
    • This solves the problem of having to do a lot of back-and-forth emails with someone to schedule a time to do something.
    • I love this one!
  • Labels and filters to organize email
    • It would be nice if there was some way for the administrator to create certain folders and filters for everyone to get slack-like functionality...
  • PixelBlock
    • Explanation: This prevents people from seeing when you've opened their emails.

Common problems people encounter

  • Forgetting to reply to / handle an email.
  • Forgetting to follow up on an email if the other person never replies.
    • Boomerang has a "Follow up on this if no one responds" feature which solves this problem.
  • Being unable to find an email (typically an email from years ago).
  • Having a lot of back-and-forth emails to schedule a time to do something.
    • Boomerang Calendar solves this problem, but I remember it being buggy when I first tried it. I should try it again.


  • Why use labels? What are they useful for?

How to communicate

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