The books in A16Z's library
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The books in A16Z's library
- The list of books is taken from this article:
- https://www.wired.com/2016/09/marc-andreessens-book-collection-explains-silicon-valley/#slide-1
- As I state in one of the comments on the article, I strongly suspect, but I cannot prove, that the idea for this article was pitched to Wired by A16Z's PR department after I showed up at their offices and asked if I could take pictures of all the books they had so that I could transcribe the titles and end up with a list.
- The article shows 11 images of the bookshelves.
- Note that the article shows close-ups of the two bookshelves shown above.
- The numbers refer to the order of the close-up image in the 6-image set where you can click left and right buttons to scroll through them.
- The list of books is taken from this article:
- For now I'm going to order these books as they're ordered in the pictures, and as if you were to walk into their reception area, look to your right, go from top-shelf to bottom-shelf, work left-to-right on each shelf, and work counter-clockwise around the room.
- Bookshelf 1: The picture is too zoomed-out, so I can't read the titles.
- Bookshelf 2: Partially unknown.
- The wide-angle image has a portion of this bookshelf showing on the right side. It's high-enough resolution that I can read the titles on some of the books.
- This image is too zoomed-out:
- Bookshelf 3:
- Shelf 1
- The General: David Sarnoff and the Rise of the Communications Industry
- David Sarnoff: A Biography by Eugene Lyons
- In All His Glory
- Empire: William S. Paley and the Making of CBS
- Master of the Game by Connie Bruck
- Rupert Murdoch by Neil Chenoweth
- Rupert Murdoch by Neil Chenoweth
- Murdoch by William Shawcross
- The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch
- Clash of the Titans
- Me and Ted Against the World
- Citizen Turner
- Dillerland
- The Highwaymen by Ken Auletta
- A Passion to Win by Sumner Redstone
- Media Man
- The Barry Diller Story
- The Operator
- The Operator
- The Keys to the Kingdom
- DisneyWar
- Work in Progress by Michael D. Eisner
- Droidmaker: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution
- Call Me Ted by Ted Turner
- Shelf 2
- Bloomberg by Bloomberg
- Mike Bloomberg: Money, Power, Politics by Joyce
- The Skeptic: A Life of H.L. Mencken(?)
- A Mencken C___ by Tom ___
- A Second Mencken Chrestomathy(?)
- The Vintage Mencken
- The Groucho Letters
- The _____ Groucho
- Groucho: ________
- W.C. Fields by Himself
- Chaplin: Genius of the Cinema
- Hitchcock by H. Truffaut
- Schulz and Peanuts
- W.C. Fields
- Bad Grass Never Dies
- You and Me, Babe
- Who Killed Art Deco?
- Charlie Chaplin and His Times
- The Game Show King
- Chaplin by Stephen ____
- Charles Chaplin: My Autobiography
- The Life(?) of Charles(?) Chaplin
- Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
- The Essential Chaplin
- Everyone Else Must Fail
- Hit and Run by Nancy G___ and Kim M___
- Shelf 3
- Pogo Revisited
- Pogo: Prisoner of Love
- Gone Pogo
- Instant Pogo
- Pogo: Romances Recaptured
- Impollutable Pogo
- Pogo ____ (illegible)
- Pogo's Body Politic
- Pogo Sunday Book
- ____ (No words on the side of the book)
- Pogo (illegible)
- _____ Pogo
- I Go Pogo
- Pogo's Bats and the Belles Free
- Pogo Party
- ___ Pogo
- ____ Pogo
- Go Fizzickle Pogo
- Pogo Re-Runs
- The Pogo ____
- The Pogo ____ Book
- Ten Ever-Lovin Blue-Eyed Years with Pogo
- ____ _____ ____ (illegible)
- Pogo ____
- The Complete Peanuts (8 volumes)
- Twitter API: Up and Running
- Distributed Algorithms
- The ____ Sherlock Holmes (three volumes)
- Shelf 4
- (illegible)
- Programming Language Pragmatics
- Programming Google App Engine
- Information and the Origin of Life
- Apple by Jim Carlton
- Design and Information(?) in Biology
- Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire
- The End of Cheap China
- The Problem of Information
- Startup Rising
- Agile Software Development
- Revolution in the Valley
- Nature Paintings by Keith Tyson
- Who's Afraid of Big Blue?
- Geno Pheno by Keith Tyson
- Charles M. Schultz: Conversations
- Howard Aik__: Portrait of a Computer Pioneer
- The Little Kingdom: The ____ Story of Apple Computer
- Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond by Thomas J. Watson, Jr.
- Computational Complexity
- Renegades of the Empire by Michael Drummond
- The Gamesman by Michael Maccaby
- Computers and Commerce
- Data and Computer Communications (8th Ed) by Stallings
- Behind Deep Blue by Hsu
- Battle of Wits by Stephen ___
- ___ Words of Great Business Leaders by F___
- War On ____
- SAP: Inside the Secret Software Power
- Odyssey by John Sculley
- Man on the Flying Trapeze: The Life and Times of W.C. Fields
- Shelf 5
- Revolution in Miniature
- Nano by Ed Regis
- The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
- A Fiery Peace in a Cold War
- Soldiers of Reason
- The ________
- What We Believe But Cannot Prove(?)
- The Man Behind the Microchip
- One on One with Andy Grove
- Inside Intel by Tim Jackson
- (Illegible)
- The Applied Materials Story(?) (very hard to read)
- Breaking Windows :-( by David Bank
- IBM's 360 and Early 370 Systems
- IBM Redux by Doug Garr
- Big Blues by Paul Carroll
- The Watson Dynasty
- Backfire
- Building IBM
- The Supermen
- Swimming Across by Andy Grove
- The HP Way
- Spinoff
- Perfect Enough by Anders
- Obsolete
- The Silicon Valley Edge
- Supercade
- John von Neumann by Norman ___
- Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an ____
- The Code Breakers by David Kahn
- The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe
- Shelf 6
- Infinite Loop by Michael S. Malone
- Return to the Little Kingdom
- West of Eden by Frank Rose
- oPtion$ - The Secret Life of Steve Jobs
- On the Firing Line
- The Soul of a New Machine
- World War 3.0
- The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made
- The Facebook Era
- iWoz
- The Race for a New Game Machine
- On The Edge
- Almost Perfect
- What the Dormouse Said
- Priming the Pump: How TRS-80 Enthusiasts Helped Spark the PC Revolution
- A History of the Personal Computer: The People and the Technology
- The ___ Touch(?) by David _ Frick(?)
- Hitchcock's Notebooks by Dan ____
- Steve Jobs and the NeXT Big Thing
- Racing the Beam
- Telecosm by Gilder
- Only the Paranoid Survive by Andy Grove
- The Secret of Selling Anything by Harry Browne
- Where's my Jetpack?
- Opening the XBox
- Startup by Jerry Kaplan(?)
- Burn Rate by Michael Wolff(?)
- aol.com by Kara S___
- The Geek Atlas
- Tough Choices by Carly Fiorina
- The Valley of Heart's Delight: A Silicon Valley Notebook 1963-2001
- F'd Companies by Philip J. Kaplan
- The Art of the Video Game
- Shelf 1
- Bookshelf 4
- Shelf 1
- Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges
- The Dead Hand
- Patterns for Parallel Programming
- Bricklin on Technology
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- River of Shadows by Rebecca S____
- River of Shadows by Rebecca Solnit
- The Parade's Gone By...
- The Parade's Gone By...
- City of Nets
- City of Nets
- Lost Hollywood
- Beneath Mulholland by Thomson
- History of the American Cinema: The Talkies
- The Coming of Sound by Gomery(?)
- The Speed of Sound by Scott ____
- Hollywood Remembered by Paul Zollo
- Complicated Women: Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood
- The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood by David Thomson
- In the Nick of Time by Cline
- The Golden Age of Cinema by Cline
- Adventures of a Hollywood Secretary: Her Private Letters from Inside the Studios of the 1920s
- Hollywood Remembered by Paul Zollo
- Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul
- Shelf 2
- A Private View
- King Cohn: The Life and Times of Harry Cohn
- Power to Burn by Stephen Singular
- Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles
- Silent Stars
- When Hollywood Had a King
- The Star Machine
- The Agency by Frank Rose
- Inventing the Movies by Scott K____
- Seeking Pleasure in the Old West
- The Art of Finding Nemo
- Core Memory
- A Century of Stop Motion Animation
- Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts
- Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by von Neumann and Morgenstern
- jack: Straight from the Gut
- The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership
- The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst
- The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst
- Zappos: 201(1? 5?) Culture Book
- Zappos: ??? Culture Book? Looks smaller, so maybe it's an earlier edition.
- To Infinity and Beyond! The Story of Pixar Animation Studios
- Shelf 3
- D.W. Griffith by Richard Schickel
- Cecil B. Demille's Hollywood
- Cecil B. Demille and American Culture: The Silent Era
- Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood (my best guess)
- Frank Capra: The Name Above The Title
- Marlene Dietrich: Life and Legend
- Inside Steve's Brain
- Orson Welles: Volume 1: The Road to Xanadu
- Orson Welles: Volume 2: Hello Americans
- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
- Only the Paranoid Survive
- What Ever Happened to Orson Welles?
- City of Dreams
- The Fun Factory
- Trying Thalberg
- (hard to read, I could probably find it with more time)
- Goldwyn by A. Scott Berg
- I'll Be In My Trailer
- Conversations With My Agent
- This Is Orson Welles
- A Talent for Trouble
- Voice Acting for Dummies
- An Empire of Their Own
- The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison
- The Genius of the System
- Palliative Care: Transforming the Care of Serious Illness
- Mencken (hard to read)
- (a tall thin book with very hard-to-read text on the spine)
- Shelf 4
- (A brown book with text that's too small to read)
- Who Invented the Computer?
- Age of Context
- Naked Conversations
- Tales from Development Hell
- Category Killers
- Walt Disney by Neal Gabler
- Who The Devil Made It
- (a thin white book with text too small to read)
- Pictures at a Revolution: The Movies and the Birth of the New Hollywood by Mark Harris
- The Big Picture
- Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business by David Mamet
- Down and Dirty Pictures by Peter Biskind
- Who The Hell's In It by Peter Bogdanovich
- Never Coming to a Theater Near You
- What Just Happened?
- Shoot Out
- A Pound of Flesh
- The DV Rebel's Guide
- Set Up, Joke, Set Up, Joke
- Sam Spiegel by Natasha Fraser(?)
- The Triumph of the Thriller
- The Man Who Heard Voices
- Ain't It Cool? by Harry Knowles
- (hard to read...'Vanity Fair's __ __ ____?)
- How We Got Here
- Rebels on the Backlot
- dot.bomb: My Days and Nights at an Internet Goliath
- Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky
- Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good
- Where Wizards Stay Up Late
- 21 Dog Years: Doing Time @ Amazon.com
- (too small to read)
- The Millenium Bug
- Shelf 5
- Five Easy Decades: How Jack Nicholson Became the Biggest Movie Star in Modern Times
- Rickle's Book by Don Rickles
- The Story of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal
- Show and Tell by John Lahr
- Auto Focus: The Method(?) of __ ____ by Robert(?) G__
- The View from the Bridge: Memories of Star Trek and a Life in Hollywood by Nicholas Meyer, director of Star Trek 2 and 6
- I Like It Better When You're Funny
- My Anecdotal Life by Carl Reiner
- Lost in the Funhouse
- The ___ of Lenny Bruce
- Acting in Film by Michael Caine
- The Life and Work of Otto Preminger
- Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies
- The Long Embrace: Raymond Chandler and the Woman He Loved
- What Happens Next by Marc Norman
- Lion of Hollywood by Scott Eyman
- The Art of Alfred Hitchcock
- Renegades Write the Rules by Martin
- Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and ____
- High Tech Start Up by John I. ___
- Twentieth Century's Fox
- The Second Coming of Steve Jobs
- I'm Dying Up Here
- Seeing What's Next (HBS Press)
- Lessons in Service(?) by Charlie Trotter
- Lessons in Excellence from Charlie Trotter
- Complex Adaptive Systems by Miller and Page
- The Last Mogul
- Shelf 6
- Developing with Google App Engine
- Developing with Google App Engine
- Introduction to Quantum Information Science
- New Media YYYY-YYYY (can't read the dates)
- The Dream by Gurbaksh Chahal
- The Geeks of War
- Doing Cultural Studies
- Unlocking Android
- The Making of American Audiences
- Beautiful Code
- True Genius
- The History of the Telephone
- The Nature of Technology
- The Wealth of Networks
- Confessions of a Wall Street Analyst
- (illegible)
- The Perfect Store
- God and Golem, Inc.: A Comment on Certain Points where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion
- The Big Idea: Focus the Message---Multiply the Impact (this one is hard to read so this is my best guess)
- The Turing Test
- Android: A Programmer's Guide
- Inside The Cult Of Kibu: And Other Tales Of The Millennial Gold Rush
- Dark Hero of the Information Age
- Hackers by Steven Levy
- Defying Gravity
- You Say You Want a Revolution
- Internet Business Models
- (a very large book that has its binding towards the wall)
- Shelf 1
- Bookshelf 5
- Shelf 1
- Red Blood, Blank Ink by David Dary
- Media (illiegible)
- A Social History of the Media
- Media Technology and Society: A History from the Telegraph to the Internet
- The Television Will Be Revolutionized
- Life After Television
- Life After Television
- The Chaos Scenario
- Sound Recording
- Perfecting Sound Forever
- Ripped by Greg Kot
- Appetite for Self-Destruction(?) by Steve Knopper
- The Curse of the Mogul: What's Wrong with the World's Leading Media Companies
- Coming Attractions by Meza
- Fast Forward
- The Powers That Be
- In the Plex
- How The Web Was Won
- The Microsoft Way
- Microsoft Secrets
- The Microsoft Edge
- Project Orion by George Dyson
- Business the Bill Gates Way
- Bill & Dave
- Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward
- The Second Coming of Steve Jobs
- Betting It All: The Entrepreneurs of Technology
- Barbarians Led by Bill Gates
- Gates: Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews
- Sunburst: The Ascent of Sun Microsystems
- Bootstrapping
- All I Really Need to Know in Business I Learned at Microsoft
- Shelf 2
- American Aurora by Richard N. Rosenfeld
- Debating the Issues in Colonial Newspapers
- Legacy
- Pulitzer
- Wayward Reporter: The Life of a ____
- The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens
- The Press
- Masters of Enterprise by H.W. Brands
- Lincoln Steffens by Justin Kaplan
- Walter Lippmann and the American Century
- The First Lady of Hollywood: A Biography of Louella Parsons
- Man of the World
- Just For Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
- The Uncrowned King
- Privileged Son
- Privileged Son
- Katharin Graham: Personal History
- All the President's Men by Carl Berstein and Bob Woodward
- The Trust
- The Kingdom and the Power
- The Gay Talese Reader
- City Room by Arthur Geld(?)
- However Long the Night
- Shelf 3
- The Telephone Book
- The Times of My Life–and My Life with The Times by Max Frankel
- How Things Were, ...and How They Were Reported
- My Paper Chase
- The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio
- A History of Mass Communication(?)
- Sounds(?) on(?) the Air by Finkelstein(?)
- The Creation of the Media by Stare(?)
- Thinking Big by Gottlieb and Wolt(?)
- Listening to Radio, 1920-1950
- Signor Marconi's Magic Box
- Lee de Forest and the Fatherhood of Radio
- Free as in Freedom
- Thunderstruck
- Radio's America
- The Great American Broadcast
- Winchell by Neal Gabler
- Empire of the Air by Tom Lewis
- Treadmill to Oblivion by Fred Allen
- Raised on Radio
- Crosley
- The Murrow Boys
- Edward R. Murrow and the ___ of ____ Journalism
- Hello, Everybody! by Anthony Rudel(?)
- A Tower in Babel
- The Golden Web
- The Image Empire
- Only Connect: A Cultural History of Broadcasting in the United States
- Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Shelf 4
- Tube: The Invention of Television (hardcover)
- Tube: The Invention of Television (softcover)
- The Boy Genius and the Mogul
- The Last Lone Inventor by Evan Schwartz
- Defining Vision: The Battle for the Future of Television
- The Columbia(?) History(?) of American Television
- From Daytime to Primetime
- Television in the Antenna Age
- Tube of Plenty
- Please Stand By by Michael ___
- The Television History Book, edited by Michael(?) ___
- The Other Parent by James P. Steyer
- The Forgotten Network ___ and the Birth of American Television
- NBC: America's Network by Hilmes
- Same Time, Same Station
- The Box by Jeff Kisseloff
- The Best Seat in the House by Pat Weaver
- When Television Was Young
- Ball of Fire (re: Lucille Ball)
- Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television
- Desilu: The Story of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz
- Cecil B. Demille's Hollywood
- They'll Never Put That on the Air
- Warm Up the Snake
- Wired for War by P.W. Singer
- Free by Chris Anderson
- Internet Alley
- Digital Apollo
- Chips and Change
- Shelf 5
- No close-up shot in the pictures in the article.
- Shelf 1
- Bookshelf 6
- This is the small shelf next to the TV
- Bookshelf 7
- This is the
- Bookshelf 8
- Bookshelf 9
- For now I'm going to order these books as they're ordered in the pictures, and as if you were to walk into their reception area, look to your right, go from top-shelf to bottom-shelf, work left-to-right on each shelf, and work counter-clockwise around the room.
- Image 1/6:
- Top shelf (left-to-right): (The Pogo books are noticeably more worn-looking than the other books, lol)
- Bottom shelf:
- Image 2/6
- Top shelf:
- Bottom shelf:
- Image 3/6
- Image 4/6
- Top Shelf:
- Bottom shelf:
- Image 5/6
- Top shelf:
- Bottom shelf:
- Image 6/6
- Top shelf
- Bottom shelf
- Image 1/6:
, multiple selections available,
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