


Analysis of Particular Videos:

The Dream Is Collapsing
- he uses high definition video samples; it definitely has more of an effect than low-def video (see his earlier videos on his other youtube account)
- the action on screen corresponds to the intensity of the music: the beginning of the music isn't violent, and the video isn't violent either; the video becomes more violent as the music becomes more violent.
- cut on major beats of music
- synchronize the action of the scene to the music (amazing example: the twinky sorting)
- cut between a slower zoom-in shot and other shots to heighten tension
- Lyons said some of his favorite editors are Sally Menke (Tarentino's editor), Thelma Schoonmaker (Martin Scorsese's editor), and Jay Rabinowitz (editor for Requiem for a Dream)

Synchronized Presidential Debating
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfd5g8Y_ ... r_embedded


- music video tribute to NASA's Curiosity mission to Justice's Phantom 2: starts off with a montage of NASA ground-based experiments through the decades (eg 1960s footage of someone in one of those gravity wheels). No space footage yet, to add to the build-up. Then maybe show footage of people doing work on the Curiosity project on the ground. At the key high-energy point of the song (~halfway through it) show footage of lift-offs through the decades, including that for Curiosity. Show footage of the separation stage as the energy of the song goes down, and then there's a long quiet period that would go well with footage of the spacecraft travelling through space (w/ the spacecraft small on the screen to emphasize how big space is). And then when the song builds up again have that correspond to the entry and landing on Mars.

- DiranLyons uses "Adobe Premiere (and on rare occasions After Effects)" to make his mashups