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Misc thoughts

  • My memory from studying piano is that you really need to be in the mood to give a good, emotional performance, to keep it from 
  • dancing can be really, really fun. i think it's a shame i grew up in an environment where people don't really go dancing socially from a young age, b/c I've ended up like a guy who doesn't know how to read: i can recognize a few words but I feel awkward about it and so I end up avoiding situations that will require me to read.
  • What I love about dancing is that it's like a game where the "winner" is any person who has fun, and everybody can win, and people who are totally new to it can win just as easily (or maybe more easily) than someone who has been doing it for a while.

Others' thoughts on dancing

Good / interesting dancers

Evidence of dancing's widespread appeal

Misc ideas

  • Have people upload youtube videos of them dancing to the same song, and make it easy to combine them into a single video.

Computer-created dance videos