

Time signatures

  • This should maybe be its own page.
  • Wikipedia - Time Signature
  • One thing to understand is that a "quarter-
  • Explanations of different time signatures
    • 2:2
    • 2:4
      • This is when each measure is made up of two ("2:") quarter-notes (":4").
      • My impression is that a song that is labeled as 2:4 doesn't have to sound any different from a song labeled as 4:4...
      • ...but that generally if there is some kind of looping pattern of notes, and that pattern is 4 quarter-notes long, the song probably "should" be labeled as 4:4.
        • Of course you could write the quarter-notes as eighth notes and say that the measure is only two quarter notes long (thus 2:4), but I think there's some kind of general consensus that a quarter note should be the "normal" / most-used note in your song.
        • For example, the four note pat
      • Song examples:
        • YouTube - leron leron sinta
        • YouTube - Waylon Jennings - Good Hearted Woman
        • Each "loop" of lyrics lasts eight 2-beat measures, or 16 beats. The lyrics themselves last about 5 2-beat measures, with Waylon seeming to come in on the second beat of the first measure, and finishing on maybe the first beat of the 5th measure. And then there are three 2-beat measures of no singing, just the melody. 16 quarter notes would correspond to four measures in a rap song, or two two-measure "pairs" of lyrics.
        • Note how these songs have their deepest melodic instrument (a bass in the Jennings song, a guitar in the leron leron sinta song) playing a two quarter-note loop, on top of which the songs layer more complicated melodies.
          • In the leron leron sinta song, the guitar's two-quarter note loop has those two "crucial" notes shortened into 8th notes, with a higher note being played after each of those eighth notes.

Misc articles / videos

Explanations / tutorials


  • back beat
  • cross-beat
    • The word "beat" is being used differently in this term than in the other terms in this list. In this term, "beat" is being used as a synonym for "rhythm". A cross-rhythm is when you have a "main" rhythm and at least one other second rhythm which conflicts with that main rhythm, creating an interesting combination / polyrhythm. (Source)
  • main beat
  • off beat
  • secondary beat


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