2000s (Analysis of Games)

2000s (Analysis of Games)

2005 - F.E.A.R.

  • It was alright. Competent, not buggy, fun-enough, but not very imaginative / new.
  • The game felt like Half-Life 1 mixed with Max Payne.
  • The end of the game takes place in an underground facility that looked like it could have been taken straight from Half-Life 1.
  • The guards felt like an improved version of the HL1 guards.
  • The slow-mo felt like it was taken from Max Payne.
  • The evil psychic girl was straight from The Ring.
  • The apartment complex sequence felt like it was straight from Max Payne 1.
  • The AI, which is supposed to be the major achievement, didn't feel more advanced than Halo 1's enemy AI. It was able to interact with the environment in various ways. Being able to hear the AI talk certainly helped to make the game sound more interesting, but I think the HL1 and Max Payne enemies did that to a certain extent.
  • The game went on and on, just like Max Payne / HL games.