Feeling overwhelmed by large problems (My weaknesses)
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Feeling overwhelmed by large problems (My weaknesses)
- Read "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"
- Chapter 1
- "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."
- "...the best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today's work superbly."
- Chapter 1
- When Yang did his initial review of my code, he suggested a lot of different things for me to fix. I just never did it.
- Why this happened:
- I think part of it was that I wasn't familiar with many of the things he was referring to, which made me feel anxious when I thought about it.
- I think part of it was that I didn't have a way of tracking that task, so I lost track of it / forgot about it.
- I think part of it was that I wasn't familiar with how to use Gerrit, which made me feel anxious.
- I think part of it was that I was too shy about asking for help. I should have asked Andy for help.
- I think part of this was that I wasn't sure who to ask for help; some people can be very helpful / happy to help, and others can be reluctant to help. You shouldn't take a person's reluctance to help to mean that everyone will be reluctant to help.
- Why this happened:
, multiple selections available,
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