To Do
Nathan Wailes - Blog - GitHub - LinkedIn - Patreon - Reddit - Stack Overflow - Twitter - YouTube
To Do
My top priorities
- Figure out what type of company to start
- Get more programming experience / get SWE job / write code for Infer
- Figure out how to live abroad
- Finish a first draft of the Skinner proposal / write 2 pages a week.
- G?
- Skinner motel room experiment?
- Silicon Trail idea?
- Help SENS / Aubrey de Grey
To Do
- Create the algorithm for identifying profitable startup ideas. (David wants it)
- Send emails (use Mandrill or Mailchimp) to people to sell Autorespond.
- The problem with Mailchimp is that the emails go to the "Social" tab in Gmail.
- Move stuff from laptop HD to cloud storage
- Get SP2 to auto-lock
- Watch SourceTree / BitBucket / JIRA / Bamboo tutorials.
- Install LastPass
- Move passwords into LastPass
- Email Dev/David/Patrick/Alok about how you've hired Lloyd to consult on your YouTube videos.
- Ask Tom / Chris / AoPS forums what their advice is for David's routing problem
- Install a browser extension that blocks time-wasting websites (NYT, RPS, etc)
- Ask Yang for help on how to get a flask website up and running
- Start to flesh out the structure of the "organize startup information" company
- Write up a checklist for making YouTube videos based on Lloyd's feedback
- Remember: does it affect the board?
- I have a bad habit of procrastination that I need to kill.
- Actual work
- Create docs for PT
- Fill out the "Praise for my LSAT guide" section before TLS goes kaput.
- Ask Lloyd / Dev / DM if they'd be interested in getting together to pay someone to edit our videos for us.
- Create docs for PT
- Information gathering
- Go through the Combat Mission videos and write up how each piece of advice is applicable to entrepreneurship
- Email the guy you met at that motel, ask him for stats on motel occupancy rates.
- Skill building / learning new tools
- Get an entrepreneurship tutor to help you throw a dance party and get entrep. experience.
- Get comfortable using remote work software
- Mess around with Adobe Premiere that you're paying for. Learn how to use it.
- Figure out how to live abroad
- Figure out how to switch from US citizenship to a green card
- Respond to Frankie's email
- Send money to Lloyd
- Email the Infer team about David's gas startup.
, multiple selections available,
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