Periodic activities to perform
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Periodic activities to perform
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- Wake up.
- In the room:
- Go to the bathroom.
- Weigh myself and store it in MyFitnessPal.
- Take 10,000 IU of vitamin D-3 and 400mg acyclovir (prophylactic).
- Eat.
- Go to the gym.
- Shower.
- Drink tea / coffee or take a caffeine pill.
- This is what Pieter does, and I guess it helps him avoid wasting time? Although there are often a lot of chores I need to do throughout the day.
- Work
- 2hrs before your desired sleep time:
- Put on blue-light-blocking glasses.
- Turn on Dimmer.
- Put in your earplugs.
- 1hr before desired sleep time:
- Go sit in bed.
- Decide what you want to get done tomorrow.
- Reason: This is what Pieter does. He has a 'mental meeting' where he decides what feature he wants to work on the next day.
- TODO: How should I make sure I don't forget it? Should I write it down on a Post-It? Or put it in a note on my phone?
- If you have extra time, read on the Kindle or just think about the next day.
- 30mins before desired sleep time:
- Close your eyes and try to sleep.
- Go to sleep.
- Exercise / go to the gym.
- Determine your goals for that week.
- Possible:
- Grocery shopping
- Exercise / go to the gym.
- Laundry
- Determine monthly goals.
- Determine your quarterly goals.
- Determine your yearly goals.
- Move photos you've taken on your phone to your Dropbox and/or Confluence.
- Clean up / organize your Windows Desktop:
- Move notes from .txt files to Confluence.
- Delete notes you no longer need.
- Delete files you no longer need.
- Aim to have fewer than ten items on your Desktop, preferably fewer than five, or none at all.
- Clean up / organize your Dropbox.
- Clean up / organize your Confluence.
- Clean up / organize your email.
- Move notes that you've emailed to yourself to Confluence, and either delete the email or reply to it and say that you've moved it to Confluence, and then archive the conversation.
, multiple selections available,
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