Where to Store Your Wealth

Where to Store Your Wealth

Paul Buchheit (early Google employee) on what to do w/ your money:
http://paulbuchheit.blogspot.com/2010/0 ... lions.html

Robert Shiller (econ PhD who teaches at Yale; pretty famous)

Douglas Short

The Billion Prices Project @ MIT [uses internet prices to track inflation]

Blog: Marginal Utility [PhD economist]

Criticism of "Shadow Government Statistics":
http://atbozzo.blogspot.com/2008/03/act ... hadow.html

Shadow Government Statistics: [not sure what to make of it yet]

http://www.american.com/archive/2009/de ... rinflation
http://www.treasury.gov/connect/blog/Pa ... gress.aspx

http://www.simplestockinvesting.com/SP5 ... eturns.htm
http://www.signaltrend.com/InvTips/Loga ... Scale.html

Mark Cuban making a recommendation similar to John T Reed but for a different reason:

"Take a look at your expenses for the past year. What did you buy that if you bought in bulk you could save 15pct or more on ? Toothpaste, cereal, soap, shampoo, sodas, socks, how much on non-perishable items do you spend in a year ? That is what you can use that cash for. Cash in the bank can earn you far more if you save enough to use it for significant discounts. Thats a tax free return on your money. Thats not a speculative investment. Your toothpaste isnt going to lose value to your teeth no matter what inflation/deflation does"

http://blogmaverick.com/2010/08/25/the- ... -ever-get/

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