Students will need to focus sooner

Students will need to focus sooner


Kotaku - Can Great Game Design be Taught?


“I’m finding people [are] late to really start working on their major until they get into college,” she says. “So they know they want to be a game developer more than anything, they know they plan to go to college to enter game development, yet they do little except for play games up until that point. And the reality is, having done so, they are ten years behind by the time they hit their first game development course.”

“You can see it echoed in those students who come in already with game making experience [and] are way ahead,” she adds. “They just understand so much more than the students who show up just learning how to do it for the first time. So I think one of the big cautions I have is: don’t wait until you’re in college. College is a great place to refine it, but start now.“

 - Brenda Romero, wife of John Romero




2015.09.19 - NYT - The Pint-Size C.E.O.

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