Gabriel Leydon of MZ / Machine Zone (Game of War, Mobile Strike)

  • Very smart guy but it's also kind of depressing how MZ made money. It sounds a lot like the casino games.
  • One of the depressing thoughts I had while watching these talks was that because of the competition for advertising space, the companies that will inevitably "win" (be able to afford the advertising) will be those that are able to separate as much money from their users as possible, which may be the companies which are using tactics which hurt the users (casinos) rather than help them (Uber, arguably).


Summary of MZ's strategy for success

  • Make the game free at first. Minimize the barriers to people getting into the game.
  • Try to get people into alliances ASAP.
    • I remember reading an article about how gyms have gone downhill because in the old days you'd join a gym for the community, but nowadays no one talks to each other. So in the old days if you didn't show up you had the other people asking where you were (social pressure), but nowadays there's no social pressure to keep going to the gym.
  • After ~100 hours / 2-4 weeks, start to ask for money.
