Advice from other people (Diet & Exercise)

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  • I was introduced to Scooby's website by my friend John I. in my junior or senior year of college, and have become a big fan.
  • Bodybuilding Nutrition Made Simple
  • Quick Healthy Meals
  • Calorie Calculator
  • Caffeine
    • MI: Use caffeine to help yourself stay motivated, and to help yourself put out a bigger effort when you work out.
  • Getting Rid Of Stomach Bloat
  • Exercise
  • His advice to me about late-night cravings:
    • Quote:
    • a1d2m3i4n
      July 20, 2015 - 17:49 UTC - 5:49 pm
      @nathanwailes: Nighttime munchies are the WORST! I solve that by making sure nothing tasty is in the house. Its a nighttime ritual. I go to the fridge, open it ... nothing good there. I go to the pantry, open it .. nothing good there. I know damn well there is nothing there to munch on but yet I look every night anyway. If it was there it would be HISTORY so its good its not.

      July 20, 2015 - 17:52 UTC - 5:52 pm
      @nathanwailes that's a great point...tracking your intake is really important. I used to say TRACK your calories, but now I say PLAN your meals before hand...I use MyFitnessPal and PLAN my meals the night before based on what I have going on the next day...then it's just a matter of following the plan! 

      July 20, 2015 - 17:53 UTC - 5:53 pm
      @nathanwailes: judging from the posts within this forum, MyFitnessPal is a good tool to use to overview and observe your intake however if you're tracking macros (how much protein, carbs and fat) you're consuming it's quite wide of the mark.

      July 20, 2015 - 17:58 UTC - 5:58 pm
      @nathanwailes: Suggestion. You need to try low carb. Be religious for an entire month and I am willing to bet that your cravings disapper - they did for me and I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth:

      July 20, 2015 - 17:58 UTC - 5:58 pm
      @nathanwailes: will make sure that you are NEVER hungry despite being at a 25% caloric deficit, and YES, you MUST eat all the vegetables it recommends - no substituting.
    • The next day I think I discovered that the cravings may have been caused by not taking in enough protein. I'd only been taking maybe ~100g of protein (at most) the previous days. The next day I took in ~160g+ and felt much less craving than I had before.
    • 2018.02.16 - These cravings may also have been caused by not getting enough carbs. This was before I discovered that broccoli and carrots are great low-calorie sources of carbs that will remove any craving for cookies or other high-calorie carb sources. So Scooby was totally right.


  • "Long story short I isolate body parts (Tris Chest, Biceps Back, Hamstrings + Rowing, Quads and Abs etc.)" 
  • When I worked out with him he would:
    • do three sets for each exercise, aiming to do 10 reps, then 8, then 6, increasing the weight each time so that at the end of each set he felt tired.
    • In between each set he would do some other lighter exercise, like box push-ups or ball slams.
    • He did ~4 different exercises / lifts when I was with him: leg press, hip abduction, hip adduction, and weighted leg lifts.
    • The in-between exercises he did were box push-ups, ball slams, and assisted pull-ups (on a machine)
  • On another occasion he said that in college he got his inclined leg press up to 540#, doing 3 sets of 10. I believe that's roughly six 45# plates on either side of the machine.
  • In an email he said that in college he would work out "every weekday".

Jack Dorsey

  • 2013.10.25 - Jack Dorsey at YCombinator's Startup School
    • He's on the Paleo diet
    • Don't eat/drink anything with sugar.
    • Only drink lemon water and red wine.
    • Don't drink hard liquor or beer during the week.
    • Every day:
      • run 3 miles
      • Over the course of the day, do six sets each of:
        • 20 squats
        • 20 push-ups
        • 30-sec planks


  • Diet:
    • He used to have a strict diet of Costco chicken or beans, but he stopped doing that.
    • Now he eats stuff from MyEatClub (which he says "isn't really that healthy"), and he eats whatever his wife cooks, which is usually some kind of stir fry(?) with beef
    • He doesn't snack (which he defines as eating the junk we have in the cabinets). He mentioned that he thinks about how much he'll need to work out to work off the calories from some snack he eats.
    • He doesn't really get low-blood-sugar cravings, and if he does he just eats a banana. [Later: I've realized my low-blood-sugar cravings were from not getting enough carbs, and I wasn't getting enough carbs because I wasn't eating vegetables and I knew I should avoid fruit!]
    • IIRC he said he just doesn't eat a lot. IIRC he said it gets easier over time to eat less; you get used to it.
  • Exercise:
    • He works out every day for ~30-45mins (just like Mitch, the Equinox swim trainer, see below).
    • He doesn't have time to go to the gym anymore b/c of his baby, so he just does bodyweight exercises.
    • He says "there's a lot you can do with a pull-up bar"
    • He used to do CrossFit and found that fun.
    • He doesn't have a set goal of reps / sets. Instead his goal is to just max out / finish completely exhausted.

Bryan R

Swimmer-trainer @ Equinox (Mitch)

  • He works out 6 days a week, usually for ~40-45 minutes, where the whole time is high-intensity.
  • He doesn't watch what he eats that carefully (which is common in my experience among people who exercise a lot).
  • He's started doing something called Crosswim, which is basically Crossfit with a focus on swimming.
  • When he lifts he usually does high-weight low-reps.
  • He likes to do leg presses after his long runs to "reset" his "motor neurons" (or something like that)
  • He said he's ~6'1", ~180 lbs, ~7% bodyfat.

James 'Hitch' Furlow (YouTuber)

  • Hitch's diet:
    • Summary:
      • chicken, egg whites, vegetables, fruit, peanut butter, almonds, lots of water, and a couple golden oreos
    • Breakfast:
      • scrambled egg whites with chicken
      • 16oz of water
      • a bowl of oatmeal
      • almonds
      • fruit
    • Snack:
      • peanut butter sandwich (wheat bread)
    • Lunch:
      • chicken sandwich (wheat bread)
      • fruit
      • almonds
      • 2 golden oreos
      • 16oz water
    • Snack:
      • peanut butter sandwich (wheat bread)
      • Dinner:
      • two chicken sandwiches (wheat bread)
      • vegetables
      • almonds
      • fruit
      • 5 golden oreos

Misc people

  • 2016.09 - College sophomore I met in an airport who had what is in my opinion a perfect body
    • She said she just runs ~6 days a week, an hour at a time. I vaguely remember she said she runs six miles a day (which would work out to about an hour).
  • 2016.11.07 - Medium - I’ve Been Fat And I’ve Been Skinny. Here’s What I’ve Learned About That.
    1. In 2008, I developed a crush on a girl and that was a pretty good motivator for me to shed some pounds.
    2. [I had an unreliable car, so] I started to walk everywhere. Sometimes five, sometimes ten miles a day. I was walking so much and [listening to music].
    3. She said that she had seen an ex-boyfriend of hers earlier in the day and couldn’t help but notice that he’d gained some weight. It wasn’t even a particularly hateful statement. There was no scorn in her voice and it was more of an observation than it was a criticism. Still, when we broke up that September, I was reminded of it and was absolutely horrified. What if we walk by each other and she thinks that about me?!
    4. I went from two meals a day to one, and then I thought to myself, “Do I really even need that one meal?” So I started eating once every two days instead. Sometimes, I’d go three whole days before putting a single bit of food in my mouth and even when I did, it was hardly anything nutritional. I’d eat a rice cake, or half of a grilled chicken sandwich without the bread, or a baked potato with absolutely no seasoning, butter, or salt. Weight started to fall off of my body at an alarming rate.
    5. Girls were suddenly paying attention to me.
    6. [His friend recommended Adderall to help focus, and when he took them he noticed:] I was no longer capable of eating a full meal. It robbed me of any hunger I would have otherwise felt almost in its entirety.
      • When I wanted Adderall, all I had to do was fill out a sheet that hinted that I might have Attention Deficit Disorder. When I wanted Xanax, I just had to tell a doctor that I was a little tense. When I wanted Vyvanse, I just had to see a different doctor and tell him the Adderall wasn’t working anymore
    7. He started getting seizures. [in 2012? So...~1-2yrs after starting with the Adderall]
  • 2018.08 - Young woman in the gym who had a beautiful body
    • She did cycling at ~200 strokes per minute (each foot being a different stroke).
      • She did that for maybe 15-20 mins.
    • I saw her doing squats with 1 25lb weight on each end.