Foods I've eaten and how I felt afterwards

Foods I've eaten and how I felt afterwards

  • My goal here is to write down when a particular food makes me feel gross, so that in the future I will remember that and hopefully not buy it again.

  • California
    • Palo Alto
      • Brownie Brittle - Sold at Mollie Stone's
        • Appearance: The packaging is a nice brownie color. Every time I've walked past the product I've had a pang of desire to try it.
        • After eating them: Thumbs up. I bought a small 120-calorie package that was next to the register (I'd gone for hours without eating and so I found it harder to stop myself). I found it delicious. IIRC it had 14g of sugar in it. I'd probably feel gross if I eat a lot of them.
      • Liege Waffles - Packaged, sold at the Stanford GSB cafeteria
        • Appearance: They look great: they're a little smaller than my hand, with a chocolate drizzle on top.
        • After eating them: Thumbs down. They had the flavor of croissants, but whereas a croissant is fluffy to chew, these were firmer, even more firm than a waffle that had just been made (which makes sense since these were packaged). They were sweeter than croissants, probably because they had little nuggets of sugar in them. I wouldn't say they were as sweet as donuts, but after getting about halfway through I started to feel gross and I threw the rest of it away.

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