Milton Friedman
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Milton Friedman
- 1994 - Milton Friedman on Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" 1994 Interview 1 of 2
- He says ~halfway through that he was born into a poor family, received a scholarship from the government to attend Rutgers, and that none of his other siblings attended college. He doesn't clarify whether he thinks such programs should continue to exist or not. He criticizes current versions of the program which are meant to give aid to people who don't perform as well academically.
- At one point he summarizes Hayek's Road to Serfdom.
- 1994 - Milton Friedman on Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" 1994 Interview 2 of 2
- At the beginning he gives his 'pencil story', which uses a pencil as an example of the incredible amount of cooperation and intelligence which is possible when using markets and prices to determine what people should be working on in a distributed way.
- 27:35 - He summarizes Keynes' major ideas
, multiple selections available,