How I would spend my time / money if I was rich
Nathan Wailes - Blog - GitHub - LinkedIn - Patreon - Reddit - Stack Overflow - Twitter - YouTube
How I would spend my time / money if I was rich
- Have nicer things
- Eat better food:
- Buy more-expensive, higher-quality food (like, all organic, etc.).
- Have a personal chef that could make all these healthy recipes I see the fitness YouTubers making.
- Have a super-expensive air filtering system for perfect air, like what I'd get in the mountains of Switzerland.
- It could deodorize the air like baking soda does.
- It could maybe actually add pleasant smells, like stuff you'd smell in the woods or on the beach or something.
- It could increase the oxygen levels.
- I remember being in a staff-only bathroom in a CVS in Washington DC that had incredible air quality, I don't know why.
- Wear really nice stuff, like the old paintings of Henry VIII: gold crown, purple velvet cape, etc.
- Eat better food:
- Develop my other business ideas
- Make the best dance club possible.
- Have a webpage where I offer ambitious upstarts a way to work with me instead of compete with me. I could have a list of problems in the world that need to be solved, and they could sort through them and see if any of those problems interest them.
- Have nicer experiences
- Travel around the world with my friends / go on adventures / hang out with random people.
- Learn to sing very well.
- Spend months training for and then make a really good dance video. Make it to a song like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jxL09EmJqY
- Do it with Beyonce (Falcons - Sumbody)
- Commission art works
- Commission a rap album that tells my story.
- Commission a movie that tells my story.
"Rich" people often spend at least some of their money / time on the same mass-produced goods that "less rich" people do
- "Rich" people often spend a lot of time watching TV / movies
- Examples
- the Clintons
- "The Clintons spend most of their downtime here, binge-watching “The Good Wife” and “Downton Abbey” and hosting Thanksgiving meals with Chelsea and her friends." (Source)
- Kim Jong-un / Kim Jong-il
- "Kim was said to be a huge film fan, owning a collection of more than 20,000 video tapes and DVDs. His reported favourite movie franchises included James Bond, Friday the 13th, Rambo, Godzilla and Hong Kong action cinema,[106][107] with Sean Connery and Elizabeth Taylor his favourite male and female actors." (Source)
- So you could maybe help the reconciliation of North and South Korea by making a movie about how it could be done, and Kim might see it.
- "Kim was said to be a huge film fan, owning a collection of more than 20,000 video tapes and DVDs. His reported favourite movie franchises included James Bond, Friday the 13th, Rambo, Godzilla and Hong Kong action cinema,[106][107] with Sean Connery and Elizabeth Taylor his favourite male and female actors." (Source)
- Stalin
- "At this time, the aging leader rarely called Politburo meetings. Instead, much of the high-level work of government took place at dinners hosted by Stalin. These sessions, which Beria, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Kaganovich, Kliment Voroshilov, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Nikolai Bulganin, who comprised Stalin's inner circle, attended, began with showings of cowboy movies favored by Stalin. Stolen from the West, they lacked subtitles. The dictator had the meal served at around 1 a.m., and insisted that his subordinates stay with him and drink until dawn." (Source)
- the Clintons
- Examples