Prominent People (Rhetoric)

Prominent People (Rhetoric)

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Abraham Lincoln

Selected Speeches by Abraham Lincoln
http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lin ... speech.htm

Adolf Hitler

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sp ... olf_Hitler

1933 - Adolf Hitler's first speech as the chancellor of Germany(?)
- Goebbels makes a comment in his intro that's pretty haunting
2:30 - Hitler waits for total silence before beginning to speak. He waits 35 seconds after the clapping has stopped.
2:55 - He addresses the audience and then pauses a full 10 seconds.
3:10-3:20 - His first sentence starts out at a low tone of voice and then goes lower at the end of the sentence.
3:24-3:30 - His second sentence starts out with a higher starting tone of voice and then gradually goes lower, ending higher than the previous sentence.
3:30 - - His third sentence starts with an even higher tone of voice and goes higher at the middle of the sentence before dropping a little.

1936 - The Führer as a Speaker by Dr. Joseph Goebbels

2001 - Interview with Hitler's secretary
22:10 - She talks about Hitler's rhetoric: rolling r's and clipped words
- She says he didn't talk like that in person.

Barack Obama

Obama's Best Comebacks and Rebuttal Moments

  • This is a pretty good compilation

His speechwriters

Jon Favreau


2014.03.21 - Jon Favreau - former chief speechwriter for President Obama | Q&A with UCD L&H Society

  • He gives some insight at the beginning into his and Obama's speechwriting process.
  • This is a pretty good talk.

Bill Clinton

2012.09.06 - The Wire - What Bill Clinton Wrote vs. What Bill Clinton Said
http://www.thewire.com/politics/2012/09 ... ote/56562/
- pretty interesting comparison of Clinton's prepared speech vs. what he actually said. It looks like the general trend is that he spoke more informally than the text of the speech would have had him speak.

Donald Trump

Martin Luther King Jr.

1963 - "I Have A Dream" Speech

Muhammad Ali

1960s - Mohammad Ali

Wait till you see his blazing fast foot speed http://i.imgur.com/WGDJzHr.gif
Bonus1: the best Ali tribute video i have seen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnzofi_QltI - [Nathan: This is a great video, it does a great job of showing Ali's rhetorical skill]
Bonus 2: if you want to get pumped up by Ali video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvDok3kjB7c
BONUS 3: another favorite Ali tribute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De2McNcuV8E
EDIT:wow thank you kind stranger for GOLD!!! here is bonus video just for youhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU_dYowAmMw
EDIT: since many people liking these clips, I decided to add a funny interview clip of alihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEPvHaR ... ata_player
EDIT: someone asked for ali trash talking , here is best I found:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR52l7Y ... ata_player

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/1 ... 0_seconds/

Khizr Khan

  • Dad of fallen Muslim soldier's powerful DNC speech (Khizr Khan full speech)
    • This is really a great speech for someone who's presumably never spoken in front of such a large audience. Is he a trial attorney? That might have given him some practice with preparing speeches.
    • He doesn't try to say too much. He doesn't need to spit out words to get everything across. IIRC Peter Thiel ran into that issue.
    • He speaks steadily, at a relaxed pace.
    • He starts by discussing his son, then switches to discussing the bad behavior of Trump, then...(fill this in)
    • 3:45 - He brings out his Constitution.

Steve Jobs

1980 - Steve Jobs talk

  • The actual talk is only the first 13:50. The rest of the time is for questions.
  • He's eliminated most uhh's and umm's from his speech.
  • He speaks at a relaxed pace; he doesn't seem to be rushing to say whatever he has to say.
  • He pauses for a second after lots of his statements.
  • This appears to be a speech he had given many times.
  • He mixes in humorous comments.
  • He doesn't totally avoid swearing (15:35 he says, "That wasn't just a bullshit slogan.").
  • 16:10 - He dodges a question that would have him talk about his future products. "You're asking me to talk about future products...and I don't want to do that."

Winston Churchill

  • "Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all."

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