The physical work environment (office space, etc.)
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The physical work environment (office space, etc.)
Office space
- The startup seems to be spending ~$1 million / year at their new office, which is less than I thought it was (I thought it was $2-$4 million). It works out to ~$28-30 per person per day if you assume the space is filled with 100 people. So ~$60 per person per day if you only have 50 people using the space.
- I'd love to have all folding desks and chairs, so we could have it like a gymnasium and could put all that equipment away at night and throw parties...we'd need to have sound-dampening material on the walls...
- On the other hand, folding chairs are not as comfortable, especially if you're sitting for long periods of time.
- 1776 had a section that could be disassembled quickly and another section that was more-permanent.
- I'd also love to have high ceilings, like the CrossFit box in DC.
- But then you're basically paying for two or three times the office space.
Coworking spaces
- 2012.04.11 - Michael Seibel CEO of Socialcam
- I think we were a little concerned when we moved out of the Justin.tv office, we were used to being around all these people, we were like, "Oh...we're just going to get some little office where we're going to be by ourselves all day?", and we thought, "Maybe we need to be in a coworking space just to get that buzz, that environment", and we looked around at a lot of coworking spaces and they were loud, really loud. Like, embarrassingly loud. And the people would be giving us these tours, and they'd be like, "Oh, I'm not sure if you guys are going to be able to move in here, it's a pretty exclusive space", and we were like, "Why would anyone want to work here, ever? It's so loud. Like, you're yelling at me as you're giving me the tour." And I remember the first time we walked in the Founder's Den (at YCombinator), and it's quiet.
Noise rules
- I think the way I'd prefer to have an office set up is like the TCNJ library, where people can choose how noisy / talkative they want their environment to be. So I'd have one area that's offices and cubicle / booth-style places, and another area that's tables or standing desks where people can sit together.
- 2012.02.11 - TechCrunch - Big Cuts at Airy Labs, Ex-Employees Blame Management
- 9am to 6pm were declared “library” hours in the office, when employees were supposed to communicate via instant messaging and emails rather than talking out loud. (...) Individually, these practices might not seem entirely unreasonable at a hard-driving startup, but the former employees say that collectively, this made for a micromanaged, overworked staff.
- 2017.05.11 - Medium - You’re working in the wrong place. (if you’re working in an open office)