Dr. Michael Burry of Scion Capital

Dr. Michael Burry of Scion Capital

Books in the picture above that I can identify:
Atlas Shrugged is the book on top of that pile on the ground near the newspaper near his feet. Guns, Germs, & Steel is the book with the orange/gray/white side, on top of the pile of books to the right of the one with Atlas Shrugged. The 1st book near his right hand seems to be Against the Gods (eg compare it to the side of the hardcover version), but I could be wrong about that. The book under that one seems to be a hardcover copy of "Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall St." (click here to see a pic of the hardcover's side). The red/white/blue one on the bookshelf in the back and the book underneath Atlas Shrugged both look very, very familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on what they are (assuming I'm right that I've seen them before). My guess is that the newspaper in front of his feet is the Wall St. Journal based on the format of the page.

Sources of Information on Dr. Burry

Dr. Burry's Hedge Fund:

1996-2002 Dr. Burry's forum posts while he was learning how to manage money:
http://www.siliconinvestor.com/profile. ... rid=690845
http://www.valueinvestorsclub.com/ - search for ideas by michael99

Dr. Burry's Articles for MSN:
http://web.archive.org/web/200011191012 ... te.asp?a=0
[I emailed the current editors and they don't have any archived articles from back then; they referred me to archive.org]

Scion Capital SEC Filings:
http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar ... getcompany
http://www.adviserinfo.sec.gov (search for "Scion")

Other Good Analysis of Dr. Burry:
http://streetcapitalist.com/2010/03/24/ ... ael-burry/

The Contents of Dr. Burry's Original Websites (
sealpoint.com, valuestocks.net)

Since I intend to promote myself in the same way he did, it'll be useful for me to know exactly what he had on his website.

What it May Have Looked Like:
Here's a similar website from 1999:
http://web.archive.org/web/199910132119 ... loor/3097/
Here's a post where Dr. Burry comments on this website:

Nice page. I started on wallstreetfloor too. Here's mine
Source: http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readmsg. ... id=1330411

Pages I don't know the exact content of:
http://www.sealpoint.com/stockpix.html - he already has a "pick of the month" page, so idk what this is for.

A Forum

The probable address: http://www.sealpoint.com/wwwboard/wwwboard.html
Value investors,
I've got a new Value Investing thread on my web site. This SI thread is very good, but if you're interested in another serious value investing hub away from the momentum-based Silicon Investor crowd, please stop by:
The site is on Infoseek and will soon be on Yahoo, Excite, and several other search engines, so the people  attracted to the site may be different than the SI crowd. The key search words are things like value investing, Graham, margin of safety, etc. This will always be a free site with no advertising, even if I could attract that many visitors. 
Good investing all,
Source: http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readmsg. ... id=1307293

Page: Valuescreen(?)
Not sure if this is the same thing as the "research" page below.

Page: Research(?)
This page had--possibly among other things--"a listing of resources on the web for researching stocks in general" and "links to good [stock screening] sites"

Page: Book Reviews
100 Minds that Made the Market
The Bear Book by John Rothchild
- Buffettology by Buffett and Clark
- Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Fisher
How to Pick Stocks by Fred Failey of Kiplinger's
- The Intelligent Investor by Graham
- Peter Lynch's books are "very good reading" (all of them)
Sense and Nonsense in Corporate Finance
Stocks for the Long Run by Jeremy Siegal
Superstocks by Ken Fisher
Valuation by McKinsey & Co.
- Wall Street on Sale [mentioned here and here.
- Why Stocks Go Up and Down By Pike [mentioned hereherehere]

I recommend the book, Why Stocks Go Up (and Down) for a good intro to this stuff. It's by William H. Pike and is essentially the text of the introductory investment course that he has taught at theBoston Security Analyst's Society for 15 years. [dif. post:] Also, try "Why Stocks Go Up (and Down)" by William Pike for the basics on fundamental measures of value. Because it isn't offering a system, it is a good reference across systems and may be of help in finding your own system. I think everyone finds that he/she comes up with his/her own system after a few years. Alas, if it was as easy as buying a book, we'd all be rich.

Page: How To Be a Value Investor

1/15/1998 - I wrote up a "How To Be a Value Investor" piece for my site back in
December. For those who are interested:
1/16/1998 - James Clarke:
Amen. Mike, you amaze me. Even experienced value investors can learn from reflecting on Michael's essay on value investing. This is a guy who has done his reading and has integrated multiple value strategies, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each. But ultimately, there is one rule, as Mike has said in more words - BUY THINGS FOR LESS THAN THEY ARE WORTH. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

Page: Portfolio

Paul Senior: 10/6/1997 - Note to Mike Burry: Mike, apologies if I implied that I didn't/don't use your website.. I do, and did check Sealpoint before asking about CCN, but wrongly had stopped at stock-of-the-month, so I incorrectly assumed you didn't still own CCN...And now I do remember you saying here that you post your portfolio in the (of course) portfolio section of Sealpoint. I'll make sure in future I check that section too. Paul.
Source: http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readmsg. ... id=2372474

Page: Pick of the Week / Month
He references a /pow.html page several times, which I'm guessing stands for "pick of the week".


6/10/1997 - My expanded viewpoint for Coachmen is now at http://www.sealpoint.com/pow.htmlSource: http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readmsg. ... id=1569302
5/19/1998 - Great. I run a website and made it my pick of the month in February http://www.sealpoint.com/powfeb98.htmlSource: http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readmsg. ... id=4521509
Paul Senior: 10/6