Gender-Unspecific Grooming

Gender-Unspecific Grooming

General Tips

- It is possible to look well-groomed to the point where it is obvious that you dedicate a lot of time into looking nice. That can be a turn-off for people who don't want to spend their time that way.

Your goal should be to direct viewers' attention away from your less-attractive physical features and toward your more-attractive physical features.
- If you have a less-attractive face than the people you want to impress, then one way to compensate is to get into great shape and wear very-well-fitting clothing, so that their attention is shifted from your face to your good physical shape.
- You can try wearing things that will draw people's attention, like Ray-Bans sunglasses, fancy-looking watches, necklaces, bracelets, fancy-looking clothing (eg Lacoste)
- If you're going bald, you can draw attention away from that fact by shaving your head.

Keep the big picture in mind. People often seem to have a tendency to get obsessed with only a couple of areas that they've started to try to get good at, to the point where they ignore other things they should be working on. For example you'll often see guys who clearly spend all of their free time working out, but haven't dedicated as much of their free time to advancing their career (increasing their earning potential), dressing themselves well, or to improving their speech, or to developing fun activities or friends. Or you'll see women who spend a lot of time shopping, getting their nails done, and their toes cleaned, but don't spend as much time working out, or learning to dance well, or sing well, or develop their manners, or any number of other things that also make a woman attractive. I'm just as guilty of doing this. I think it's a human tendency.

Optimize for the typical circumstances under which people will evaluate you
- For example, I used to get really stressed out when I would look in the mirror and see small imperfections in my haircut. It didn't occur to me that people wouldn't generally notice these small imperfections, just as I don't usually notice small imperfections in others' ensembles (eg haircut imperfections).
- A good analogy for this is camouflage: the big breakthrough that Multicam was realizing that camouflage needs to optimize for the different distances under which it will be seen by the enemy. While most camouflage has a pattern that repeats every few inches, Multicam camouflage changes the colors it emphasizes over the distance of the pattern, so that a person may have mostly brown on their left side and mostly green on their right side. It helps break up the person's silhouette when looking at them from afar.

Height / long limbs

- There doesn't seem to be a whole lot you can do about this once you've reached adulthood.

- One thing I've thought about is the idea that having a healthier diet and exercising more when you're younger may make you reach a taller final height, while eating nutrient-deficient foods (like refined carbs) would have you ending up shorter. I say this because:
-- I've read that people in the past were significantly shorter (like up to 6" on average) than they are nowadays, and I imagine that must be from having a poor diet
-- I personally had a pretty bad diet (lots of pasta / bread) when I was younger and I wonder if that may have left me shorter than I otherwise would have been.
-- Again, this isn't actionable advice for people who have already reached adulthood, but it's something for younger people (and parents) to think about.

- One thing I've heard that some people do is wear shoes with thick heels. I think I heard Tom Cruise does this, as he's shorter-than-average (5' 7"?).
- Example of a website that sells shoes like this: http://www.increasingshoes.com/

- Another thing people do is modify their clothing so that their proportions seem closer to the ideal. For example:
-- Women will wear high-heels so that their legs seem longer.
-- I think people also choose outfits that amplify their proportions, like wearing pinstripes to make themselves look taller, or wearing shorter skirts to make their legs seem longer.
-- Another thing to consider is where you choose to have your shirt meet your pants; not tucking in your shirt makes your torso look longer, while tucking it in makes it look shorter. Having your waistband high would seem to make your torso look shorter, while having it low would seem to make your torso look longer.

- An extreme measure that I've heard about is getting surgery that elongates your legs:
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limb_lengthening_methods
-- search google for 'height surgery'

Quora: How can someone grow taller after reaching adulthood?
http://www.quora.com/How-can-someone-gr ... -adulthood

It seems your 'epiphyseal / growth plates' are what prevent you from getting taller once you reach adulthood:

Having an exciting lifestyle

- Plan weekend trips (eg get a cheap plane ticket to some unusual place and do some unusual activity, like a cheap plane ticket to alaska or hawaii)
- Do interesting activities (eg the kinds of things you'll see in YouTube videos)

- Think about (come up with a list of) all the things you want to do if you have someone else to do them with, and start doing them anyway. Post videos of you doing them on YT. Maybe find someone you wouldn't normally do those activities with, and do those activities with that person.
-- Example: singing, dancing

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