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Learning to use it

  1. Create a project called something like "Practice - Simple mock-ups of the UIs of existing websites and software".
  2. For each mock-up (page) within the project, you'll sketch out the UI of some website, app, or desktop software that you use.
  3. Important: Only use the "Rectangle" element (look for it in the "Containers" group) to sketch the website.
    1. This includes using it to represent the browser and/or phone. Keeping it abstract will help keep you from getting sucked into the trap of trying to make everything pixel-perfect.
  4. Use the elements you see in the "Markup" group to label what the different sections (rectangles) of the UI are for.

Using it

  1. Pre-Balsamiq:
    1. Determine what the desired output of the application is.
    2. Figure out what input you will need from the user to provide the desired output.
    3. Figure out if there are any groupings of inputs that should be together in the UI.
    4. Figure out the order in which you will want to ask for those different inputs.
  2. Create a simple mock-up using only the "Rectangle" element to designate the major divisions of the UI (navbars, sidebars, main work areas, etc.).
  3. If you want, then go in and create detailed mock-ups that are closer to being pixel-perfect.



My thoughts

Others' thoughts on mock-ups