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Building Mobile Apps with Ionic 2 by Josh Morony

  1. Introduction
    1. "You should have a reasonable amount of experience with [HTML, CSS, and JavaScript] before starting this book."
  2. Ionic 2 Basics
    1. Lesson 1: Generating an Ionic 2 Application
    2. Lesson 2: Anatomy of an Ionic 2 Project
    3. Lesson 3: Ionic CLI Commands
    4. Lesson 4: Decorators
    5. Lesson 5: Classes
    6. Lesson 6: Templates
    7. Lesson 7: Styling & Theming
    8. Lesson 8: Navigation
    9. Lesson 9: User Input
    10. Lesson 10: Saving Data
    11. Lesson 11: Fetching Data, Observables and Promises
    12. Lesson 12: Native Functionality
  3. Quick Lists
    1. Lesson 1: Introducton
    2. Lesson 2: Getting Ready
    3. Lesson 3: Basic Layout
    4. Lesson 4: Data Models and Observables
  4. Testing & Debugging
  5. Building & Submitting

Diary of progress

  • 2016.12.14 - Started '1. Introduction'
    • I can't open the book in the Gumroad app.
    • I don't have the latest version of the book. Josh said the latest is RC.3, I have RC.1.

Ionic 2 vs. Ionic 1

Starters / templates



2015.04.04 - Diego Estaun (Blog) - Some thoughts after (almost) a year of real Xamarin use

So, to sum up, is it Xamarin worth it?  For me yes, but as other tool to add to your options, and not to totally replace native development, at least for now. Depending of the project and requirements I would be happy to have Xamarin available and I will use it, but there will be other situations in which I really think use native will be a better choice.