They ended up deciding to keep the engineering team and lay off the sales team to pivot.
"Every day we deal with equally important, yet conflicting pieces of advice. For instance, early bird gets the worm, yet second mouse gets the cheese. For a startup CEO, the choice is always between don’t give up and fail fast. How do you decide? Well, if you didn’t give up for a really long time, and you’re still not there, maybe it’s time to fail fast. Really fast. Running a slowly dying business into the ground is worse. Much worse."
IMO the answer is that the best approach depends on the situation. You have to pay very close attention to the circumstances to try to predict which approach is better.
Success recipes: There are none. All we know is the four required ingredients:
if you think about it, finding and committing to an idea is analogous to finding, falling in love and marrying a person. Both demand:
Excitement about it today and years from now
Believing in a long term chance of success
Commitment to persevere through unpredictable, yet inevitable, challenges ahead
Blessing by parents/investors
As hard as it is already, we also had a 110 day deadline. One cannot always find a girl/boyfriend in 110 days. Maybe a solid second date. But marriage?
There’re three phases of development. There is internal development, and then there is beta testing, as like what you alluded to, as well as live in the app store. They’re very different phases, and you expect different kind of reports. So that’s one aspect.
The other aspect, there are two kinds of problems. One kind of problem that you see with your eyes, like a picture didn’t load, didn’t do what you expected, unintuitive UI or a misspelled text. Other kind of problem, the app just crashes. It just dies on you. No warning, no nothing, just boom, dies. So in all of these cases, Bugsee reports to you one minute of video that led up to the problem.
They go in-depth on how it works.
Lyle: Okay. That’s pretty cool. My day job is working at Netflix. I’m an engineer on the iOS app. We’re very conscious of privacy of the users. And in general, inspecting what they’re doing or looking over their shoulder without notifying them, would feel — something we’d definitely discuss, whether it would be a good idea to do that. Even though, of course, all the image assets and everything that they’re doing we’re delivering to them.
Some applications like a web browser that would do this kind of thing could have a lot of privacy concerns. That an end user might be looking at their email and it crashes. And all of a sudden you’ve got a picture of their email. So how to you decide on — do you have best practices for your developers?
Alex: Absolutely. So first of all, Bugsee automatically removes every secure field from the system. So whether it’s a password, whether it’s a credit card, whether it’s the picture from the camera from the phone, whatever is considered to be secure — is automatically removed. That’s all within this one line of code integration.
Lyle: Okay. Right. So you’ve made sure that some of the things you can detect are private, just turn it off.
Alex: Yes.
Lyle: That way it won’t log it. I don’t really care what it is anyway, because that’s not going to solve the problem.
Alex: Exactly. And it doesn’t even leave the phone. So it’s not like it goes to our servers and there we process it. It doesn’t even leave the phone. So it’s very, very secure on that front. And on top of that, we offer you APIs where you know that certain screens should not be recorded, and you preemptively can disable Bugsee in certain screens.
Lyle: I can imagine my little buzzing in my engineer brain is saying you’re recording video all the time and tossing it all the time. Isn’t that a bit of processor time and a bit of memory and a bit of disc space? I mean how are you doing that efficiently enough to always be running a ten-second video? Dmitry?
Dmitry: When it comes to space we are talking about one minute video, so it’s couple of megabytes. It shouldn’t be a concern. Obviously, CPU is being consumed, but we’ve spent a lot of time fine-tuning and optimizing our solution. We actually have some know-how in the area.
They talk about how they're making money
Lyle: Yeah, that’s important. Right. So with Apple and their sensitivity to anything that they’re not expecting you to do with the development, the whole app store review process there’s tons of stories when they release a new iOS version, that a developer has done something clever with an API, and they go oh, no, that wasn’t intentional. And they deny their app being deployed. How sensitive are you guys to that and how do you know that your pattern of what you’re planning on doing will fit nicely with Apple. Is that a risk that you have?
Dmitry: There is probably some risk, always. For now, we haven’t seen any problems with the way we do things. (
Lyle: Okay. So let’s talk about a competitor. I know that other companies are actually doing video recording, because when I was doing some research I noticed a list of them that are doing this. What differentiates you or is the space just large enough you’re not concerned about? From a business perspective what are your concerns or issues for that?
Alex: Well, obviously, we’re familiar with the space, and there’re other players in the space. So from what we know there are no player out there that delivers the quality of video that we do without slowing down the UI and passing app store certification. Basically, there are 3 ways to record video in iOS. (...) We worked really hard to develop a fourth way, which is basically doesn’t slow down the UI, passes Apple certification, uses only legitimate APIs, and totally, totally usable. And we have many customers in the app store using that.
we’re talking about 4.5 months, and we have 797 customers signed up with pushing about 1,000 developers, and about a quarter of them use it in past 30 days.
Lyle: Are you seeing a difference in your last company versus this one? Because you guys just did this, and closed it. At this timeframe from the menu company, six months out, how different are they?
Alex: Oh, it’s a very, very different. We have something to compare it to. So we see our customers signing up. We see customers signing up because their friends told them because they use Bugsee and they want them to use it as well. Obviously, it’s free, so that makes it even easier at this point.
Alex: I’m running marketing, and I’m not a marketeer in any shape or form. So I do an occasional experiment here and there with the sponsor starting in newsletters or podcasts and see how that works out. So we still experiment with that.
check out my medium blog on I think I have 8-9 stories there. Probably the most relevant ones here are
1. My Cofounder Said “I love what we’re doing” And We Shut Down Our Startup (this one went viral on hacker news, WSJ and tons of other places)
2. How to Shut Down a Startup in 36 Hours
3. A Post About Post-Post-Mortem
4. The Deciding Deep Dive