Cleaning up other people's code

The Elements of Style by Strunk and White - rec'd by at least one of the guys in Coders At Work
Clean Code by Robert Martin - rec'd in comments here
Code Complete by Steve McConnell - rec'd by Allston, also rec'd in comments here
Refactoring by Martin Fowler et al. - rec'd by Allston

Google's Style Guides for Various Programming Languages - !!
7 Ways to Write Beautiful Code
Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language by Oracle

Kotaku - The Exceptional Beauty of Doom 3's Source Code

I was really excited to write this article, because it gave me an excuse to really think about what beautiful code is. I still don’t think I know, and maybe it’s entirely subjective. I do think the two biggest things, for me at least, are stylistic indenting and maximum const-ness.