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My overall strategy on this page is to 1) summarize information I find around the web, and then 2) try to weave the information I have in those summaries into unified processes for handling DSA questions, system design questions, API design questions, how to format a resume, etc.

Non-algorithm-specific interview advice


A step-by-step process for solving algorithm questions

  1. Draw out a simple visual example.

    1. Do it in something like Balsamiq.

    2. Copy-paste it to visually show what the step-by-step process should look like.

    3. Think about what variables you want at each step to answer the relevant question you have to be able to calculate the desired answer.

  2. Ask yourself: What features of the state of each ‘step’ through the input can you think of to assign names to? Write the code needed to calculate/update these values with each iteration (or just have them as stub functions to be filled in later) and it could give you enough of a step in the right direction for the rest of the solution to make itself clear.

How I study

  1. I have Neetcode questions in Anki.

  2. I track which questions I’ve actually studied by checking them off on the Neetcode website.

  3. I’m aiming to go through all questions of a type before moving onto the next type.

  4. Creating Replit versions:

    1. If I can’t access the question on Leetcode (it’s a premium question) or the Lintcode version (or if the Lintcode version is too different from the Leetcode question), I can create a Replit version in here.

    2. Make the ‘template’ version of the question, then when you actually want to do the question, use that same Replit and you can just use the git feature to discard all of the changes you made to the code when you’re done.

Data structures


Learning Resources

Algorithms Unlocked


Linked Lists


Dynamic Programming (DP)




Binary Trees

The interview process


System Design

Step-by-step process

  1. Clarify the task.

    1. Share what you know about the system with the interviewer.

    2. If you’re not familiar with the system, tell the interviewer so they can explain how it should work.

    3. Constrain the problem to make it solvable within the hour.

    4. List the different metrics you could consider tracking / focusing on and explain the one you think we should focus on and why.

      1. Total users, DAU, WAU, MAU. Maybe daily minutes per active user.

      2. Uber: driver ratings, trip completion rates, and acceptance rates, number of rides completed per day, number of cancelled rides, number of rider complaints raised, average loading time, ratio of daily active users to monthly active users, number of daily rides booked per daily active user, average revenue per user, average wait time

  2. Clarify the scale of usage, the amount of data involved, the rate of requests.

    1. Specify some key metrics to help your high-level decision-making.

      1. Example: the number of users, the amount of data.

      2. Try to determine the number of requests per day, divide by 100,000 (seconds per day) to get the average requests per second, and take a guess at the peak factor (how much times the number of requests per second you might see in peak traffic), take a guess at how many requests per second a typical server might be able to handle (say, 1000), and use that to determine how many servers you’ll need.

        1. It doesn’t have to be perfect, the idea is to see that you’re aware of these ideas.

        2. If you’re going to be using auto-scaling servers, that’s fine.

        3. (Source)

    2. You don’t necessarily have to go into the details of scaling at this point.

  3. Design the system at a high level.

    1. At an early stage, it’s OK to have a few simple components; later on you can get more complex.

    2. Example:

      1. If asked to design Spotify, you could draw a mobile app connected to a load balancer which connects to a group of webservers, which connect to the database.

  4. Outline your database design.

    1. After laying out your components, design your database.

    2. Split out databases appropriate for different types of data.

    3. In general, try to explain why you’re doing something upfront rather than waiting for your interviewer to ask you.

  5. Go through a normal use-cases and explain/flesh out how it will work in greater detail.

    1. Consider how the webservers will retrieve data from the db and how they’ll send it to the end-user; will they use websockets?

  6. If you have more time, think about how things could “go wrong” in terms of scaling.

    1. Examples:

      1. When designing Spotify, some songs might be requested by users for listening far more than others.

    2. Solutions:

      1. A CDN

Learning resources

API Design Patterns

Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI

Designing Data-Intensive Applications



Scalability Rules

System Design Primer

Articles / Forum posts


Examples of FAANG employees not knowing everything about system design
