How To's

Official guides

How to orchestrate a successful submission (one that stays at the top of the front page for hours)

How to gain karma by making individual comments that get a lot of upvotes

  1. Find a submission that:
  2. Make a comment that is likely to end up towards the top of the thread.
  3. Respond quickly to rebuttals / replies, especially in the first 30-or-so minutes.
    1. You should almost always be polite and express your appreciation that the person took the time to reply to you and for any new information they have offered.
    2. It is common to have people point out parts of your comment in which your choice of words has resulted in a stronger claim than you can reasonably argue for with the evidence you've presented. Thank the person, and if they're correct, edit your comment to remove the inaccuracy.
  4. As the submission moves down the front page over time, you may notice the rate of upvotes on your comment decline. Once the submission is off the front page, the rate of new readers per minute will likely drop dramatically. You may gain very few–if any–new upvotes from your comments on that submission.

How to predict which submissions will become heavily-upvoted / commented-on

  1. Look for general-interest topics.
  2. YC-related blog posts will probably do well; follow the YC account on Twitter to be notified when they release a new blog post.
  3. Articles posted earlier in the morning (say, around 6-9am Pacific) on a weekday may be especially good candidates.

How to make it more likely that your comment will be at the top of a particular thread

  1. Be one of the first people to write a comment (say, in the first 15 or so comments).
  2. Say something substantial, that other users will find particularly interesting. Like some gold-nugget of wisdom you've learned.
  3. Make your post neither too long nor too short.

Misc. Information

Misc articles about HN

How HN's Rankings Work


Prominent people's HN profiles

Criticisms of HN