Summary of the reported benefits of YC

Is YC worth it?

Criticisms of YC


What chance does a 52-year-old non-coding technical single founder with ideas for global unemployment solutions have of participating in YC W15?

Tyler Menezes, YC alum (Framebase, S12)
667 Views • Upvoted by Parker Conrad, Co-founder, Zenefits (YC W13)
Essentially zero, but it has nothing to do with your age. Ideas are essentially worthless without execution, and you haven't brought up any actual skills you have other than "ideas" and "resourceful". (Being resourceful is definitely a plus, but you need the skills to bring the product to market.)

Written 28 Sep, 2014 • View Upvotes

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Should I tell my employer I am applying to YC?

Parker Conrad, Co-founder, Zenefits (YC W13)
21k Views • Upvoted by Kah Seng Tay, Worked at Etacts (W10), and now at Quora (S14)
If they are YC alums you should definitely tell them. I think pretty much any YC alum will respect and be supportive of something like this, so the risk is low.

But, more importantly, the founders of your company can recommend you to YC, which is meaningful in the application process (depending on the strength of the recommendation) and can improve your chances of getting in.

Written 21 Sep, 2014 • View Upvotes