This'll be a page for people/organizations that won't have as many updates about them over time.
Priceonomics - The Man Who Invented Scotch Tape ... otch-tape/
- Has a brief history of 3M
Paul Taylor of Taylor Investment Services
I found out about Paul after seeing his back-and-forth with Michael Burry on Burry's VIC ideas.
Taylor Investment Services:
Paul's VIC Ideas: (search by member: paul118)
Below is a quote attributed to Renee Descartes; I'm not sure what the source was:
"You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing."
Gaston Glock
Glock: The Google of Guns by Jason Zasky
Good article on how Glock became worth hundreds of millions of dollars by combining all the good ideas out in the gun market that had not yet been combined. It's very similar to the way Sam Walton got rich: Walton just went out and found out what everyone was doing and used the best ideas he came across. And that's very similar to how I got good at the LSAT: I read what all of the highest scorers had done and used the best ideas I came across.
Josh Abramson, co-founder of College Humor, BustedTees, Vimeo ... meo-failed
James Cameron
- He learned a lot by reading
- He also went to work for someone else and rose up through the ranks
- It seems a large part of his success is a result of being very knowledgeable about what kinds of special effects are possible. It gives him a very realistic imagination (ie he isn't imagining impossible special effects).
Tinder / Sean Rad
2014.11.04 - Forbes - Exclusive: Sean Rad Out As Tinder CEO. Inside The Crazy Saga ... razy-saga/
- lots of interesting info about Sean Rad in this article.
2015.01.05 - New Yorker - The Virologist
David's hispanic friend at Stanford who started a tutoring business
His advice:
- Have the customer sign a contract
- Give the first session free.
- Once you have less to prove you don't have to give free sessions.
- He did 30 free clients over the first year. He had a dozen or two clients per year.
Allison, Dev's friend who sells drugs for big pharma
- Tennis from 5:30am to 8am
- Even that was very regimented: from 5:00 to 5:45 was jumping jacks. After school was another ...(?)
- She did it all through elementary school
- She dropped out of high school
- Spain has one of the most famous academies. If you show any talent at all the government sponsors you.
- She didn't want it as much once she realized she wouldn't make it pro (at 14 when she played internationally)
RPS - Editorial: Why VR Is Going To Be An Enormous Flop ... mous-flop/