
The Skinner Proposal


Misc thoughts to file

  • The reason it's so important to be able raise money and manage large amounts of capital (millions of dollars) is that generally the smaller opportunities (that require less capital) also produce less profit. This sounds obvious to me as I'm writing it, but it isn't a skill most people spend any time studying.
  • It's occurred to me that scientists/professors who are trying to get published may have a bias toward studying short-term effects of things rather than the long-term effects, b/c it's easier to put an experiment together that will measure the short-term effects, and you'll be able to knock out a paper faster. For example, they may have a bias toward studying the short-term effects of sleep deprivation rather than the long-term effects. Maybe. It's just a thought I've had. I'll need to think about it more.
  • The Design of Everyday Things
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