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Problems with the U St Music Hall:

There is clearly something wrong with the way they are doing things, because:



Anonymizing clothing


Fog / Smoke

How To Make 5 Easy Fog Effects
- This is a very helpful video, this guy really knows his stuff

Food and drinks to offer



Fun Policies

How to Get Started

Processing visualization

Videogame / VR version


Misc ideas

One thing that hadn't occurred to me at first was that if you have too many lights you will lose that part of the mystique of dance clubs which arises from the fact that you can't see that well (esp. other people's faces). So it may be desirable to test the light shows to see how much they increase the ambient light level in the room. Better yet, you could probably calculate what the total ambient light would be if you know the brightness of each light and how many of them are on at a given time. And then you could control that total-ambient light

Professional Light Shows

Notes I took, probably while watching YouTube videos:
- Wham city lights is a great example of giving the audience a way to participate
- Avicii laser show 2011 is greate but also a good example of people recording with their smart phones instead of dancing
- Critical mass is a great example of letting people create something amazing by working together (I think that could be applied to lights if people could control certain lights)
- Kvant 2014 laser show is AWESOME and IMO a vision of videogames of the future; the only thing it's missing is true detection of where the body is

Ceiling / Wall Lighting

Rodriguez used 15 StellaScapes E16-II controllers and 220 StellaGreen Strings in this luminous spectacular that boasts some 56,100 LEDs. Each individual LED is capable of producing 16.7 million colors by mixing 256 levels of brightness and 256 levels of red, green and blue. The setup was programmed to music using MADRIX Ultimate on a custom-built Core i5-760 computer running at 2.8GHz with 8GB of RAM.

"I'm by no means an expert or formally trained in anything. All my knowledge is self-taught or gleaned from reading and listening to others," Damion Rodriguez, the display's creator, told Wired via e-mail.

The designs and patterns of his spectacle are extraordinarily varied. "Some are basic EQs, and some are plasma color washes with custom palettes masked onto another effect, 35 layers deep," Rodriguez says. "The roof is sometimes a marquee with a text ticker scrolling across, with another swirling helix effect that color-fades to the music on the megatree. I'm still adding new effects every day, tweaking existing ones. Currently, I have a bank of 82 combined effects for my patch."

Rodriguez notes that the lights in this display are so intensely bright that most cameras are unable to accurately capture their dynamic range -- instead, cameras capture just a bunch of blown-out white dots. Rodriguez used a Canon 5D Mark II for this YouTube footage, and still, he says, there's "tons of texture and detail in the effects on the roof that just looks like white points of light."

The entire show lasts for 81 minutes, and runs nightly from dusk until 10 p.m. With such a long, bright show -- set to music, no less -- I asked Rodriguez if the neighbors put up a fuss.
Example Setups
On-Person Lighting

Shoe Lights
Floor lighting
Misc lighting
Built with red, green, and blue channels, and independently addressable controllers, WS2812 LEDs are colorful and fun devices to build with. It's a cinch to work with a few of these LEDs, but larger projects that involve matrices or many rows of strips can be challenging to get things looking exactly as planned. That's where Fadecandy comes in -- it's a USB_based controller that helps ease programming so you can focus more on creative aspects.

Fadecandy can also make your LED pixel projects look better through interpolation, dithering, and higher resolution colors. Each Fadwecandy can support as many as 512 WS2812 LEDs, in 8 strings of 64, and you can use multiple controller boards for larger projects. It can be run from desktop computers, laptops, and even Raspberry Pis.

Non-Dancing Activities

Personal Items to Offer to People




Rules of the Dance Floor

Spacing people out

Maybe have tape on the ground that marks out boxes where people should stand?


The Music

Allow people to rank their music preferences before they go in, and have that determine the music that's played

Have the music increase or decrease in intensity as more people enter or leave the room

Have the music increase or decrease in intensity to correspond to the intensity of the music

Use silence to build anticipation

Start with a Magic Tape that has a strong opening song

Use good songs

Misc music ideas

The Speakers

Big Speakers ("Loudspeakers")

Small / Portable Speakers

Video Displays

Video Displays

While in Spain I saw an amazing EDM show out in the street that used a projector and a big screen that had interesting video clips to go with the music. It was awesome.

Idea: Use SI clips to the music. I was listening to YACT's Second Summer while looking at SI clips and it fit perfectly.

Portable Projectors

Videos of People Dancing

Cool Processing Sketches