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Negotiating with people from different cultures


Exploding Offers

Sam Altman (YC) - Exploding Offers Suck

algorithms 289 days ago | parent
A dear friend and excellent negotiator told me that when he gets any kind of short-term exploding offer, the first thing he does is verbally reject the deadline. And the second thing he does is ignore the deadline and offer feedback only after it has passed.
I've seen him employ this many times in practice and it has always worked out. I don't want to be responsible for anyone losing a deal, but remember: when someone offers you an exploding offer, it's because they really, really want you to take it. If anything, it should be a sign there's (a) more time to be had, and (b) plenty of room on the terms.
Any deadline claim has to be concrete and believable. The start of the YC program is a good example.


wycats 289 days ago
Whenever I've offered an exploding offer in the past, it's because I had several candidates: an extremely strong candidate and several strong but somewhat weaker candidates. In general, all of the candidates have a limited timeframe to make a decision, and there's a risk of losing all candidates if I waited for an indefinite time on the strongest candidate.
In other words, candidates sometimes also need an answer within a certain timeframe (often for very legitimate reasons; a job change can often be a life-changing event) and that means that there are some real time-limits across all of the candidates (in both directions).


Articles / Videos



Francis Bacon - Of Negotiating

Getting Past No by William Ury




***I. Getting Ready***

[[Overview: Breaking Through Barriers to Cooperation]]

Joint Problem-Solving

Five Barriers to Cooperation

i. Your reaction

ii. Their emotion

iii. Their position

iv. Their dissatisfaction

v. Their power

The Breakthrough Strategy

[[Prologue: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare]]

Mapping Out the Way to Agreement

1. Interests

Figure out your interests

Figure out their interests

2. Options

3. Standards

4. Alternatives

Identify your BATNA

Boost your BATNA

Decide if you should negotiate

Identify their BATNA

5. Proposals

What do you aspire to?

What would you be content with?

What could you live with?


Preparing to Navigate

***II. Using the Breakthrough Strategy***

1. Don't React: GO TO THE BALCONY

2. Don't Argue: STEP TO THEIR SIDE

3. Don't Reject: REFRAME


5. Don't Escalate: USE POWER TO EDUCATE

***III. Turning Adversaries Into Partners***

Conclusion: Turning Adversaries Into Partners

Getting to Yes




***I. The Problem***

1. Don't Bargain Over Positions

***II. The Method***

2. Separate the People from the Problem

3. Focus on Interests, Not Positions

4. Invent Options for Mutual Gain

5. Insist on Using Objective Criteria

***III. Yes, But...***

6. What If They Are More Powerful?

(Develop Your BATNA--Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement)

7. What If They Won't Pay?

(Use Negotiation Jujitsu)

8. What If They Use Dirty Tricks?

(Taming the Hard Bargainer)

***IV. In Conclusion***

***V. Ten Questions People Ask About Getting to Yes***

1. "Does positional bargaining ever make sense?"

2. "What if the other side believes in a different standard of fairness?"

3. "Should I be fair if I don't have to be?"

4. "What do I do if the people are the problem?"

5. "Should I negotiate even with terrorists or someone like Hitler? When does it make sense not to negotiate?"

6. "How should I adjust my negotiating approach to account for differences of personality, gender, culture, and so on?"

7. "How do I decide things like 'Where should we meet?' 'Who should make the first offer?' and 'How high should I start?' "

8. "Concretely, how do I move from inventing options to making commitments?"

9. "How do I try out these ideas without taking too much risk?"

10. "Can the way I negotiate really make a difference if the other side is more powerful?" And "How do I enhance MY negotiating power?"

Never Split the Difference

The new rules

Be a mirror

Don't feel their pain, label it

Beware "Yes"--Master "No"

Trigger the two words that immediately transform any negotiation

Bend their reality

Create the illusion of control

Guarantee execution

Bargain hard

Find the black swan

How to Get Rich

The Art of Negotiating

The Balance of Weakness

Management Bargaining vs. Serious Negotiations

The Elephant and the Flea

The Elephant Misjudges His Need

Another Elephant Comes to Call

A Few Tips on Negotiating