Relevant forums / Q&A sites
To Do
- Find someone who can help you create the robot.
- Find a list of forums where these people congregate.
- Get a list of contact info of the people who work at SparkFun and all those other Maker things.
- Find someone who has a YouTube channel / website / blog and looks like they aren't yet too famous (so they won't charge you too much).
- Start to sketch out how the robot will work.
- Start to come up with a list of questions you need answered.
- What can I use to extend something in one dimension?
- Find someone who can help you make the video more viral.
- Get the guy who wrote "The Viral Video Manifesto" to act as a consultant to help you decide what to include in the video.
Structure of the video
- Start with you saying, "Attention teachers and parents: this is how you make learning fun."
- Just have it mimic the seagull-prank video.
- Have a few seconds of close-up of the device, just like they have a few seconds of close-up of the crackers
- Then cut to the device being put in place.
- Then cut to the device being used to get candy.
- As in the seagull video, have people laugh or say "Oh my god" in the video to act as a laugh-track.
- Then cut to a shot of the amount of candy you got, and what the empty vending machine looks like.
- Then cut to a shot of you putting quarters in and having the spirals do nothing, just to show that you did pay for the candy.
Relevant tools / components
- Design software
- Components
Evidence that this video would go viral and get a ton of views
- How to Get a Snack Out of a Vending Machine
- This video doesn't even show you how to get candy for free.