- Invision
- Used at SF, also rec'd by Pervaiz in the "Workflow ..." Udemy course.
- Color tools
Icon / Logo
- Kevin Systrom used something called "shape layers" and "shading" in Photoshop to create the first Instagram icon (Source).
- The second Instagram icon was created with the help of a user. (Source: An answer by Kevin on Quora)
Hamburger menu
- 2015.04.27 - Luke Wroblewski - Obvious always wins
- 2015.07.31 - James Archer - The hamburger menu doesn’t work
- rec'd by Pieter Levels
- Summary
- This hamburger is made of mystery meat
- Users often don’t know quite what they want, and they rely on site navigation to nudge them in the right direction by telling them what their options are and what content they should be looking at.
- But with hamburger menus, a description of the pages that can be accessed through the menu are not visible until the user taps/clicks on the menu. (See Mystery meat navigation).
- This hamburger smells like…nothing
- Most people navigate based on what’s called “information scent.” When faced with a set of options, they’ll choose the option that gives the strongest indication that it’ll bring them closer to what they want, like an animal sniffing around for food.
When a user is looking for pricing on a website, they’ll look for words like “cost,” “price,” “rates,” “fees,” etc. They’ll scroll down the page looking for these words, then scroll back up. If they can’t find anything, they revert to plan B: look for words that might be a superset of pricing, like “sign up,” “product details,” “learn more,” etc. They’ll continue to expand the concepts they’re searching for until they either find something that looks promising, or they give up entirely.
You know what never looks anything even close to what the user actually wants? A small three-bar icon tucked in the corner of a website.
- Most people navigate based on what’s called “information scent.” When faced with a set of options, they’ll choose the option that gives the strongest indication that it’ll bring them closer to what they want, like an animal sniffing around for food.
- This hamburger is consistently disappointing
- Many companies have tried the hamburger menu and then switched away from it.
- Facebook, NBC, Spotify.
- A better alternative for mobile is a list of options at the bottom, Instagram-style.
- Many companies have tried the hamburger menu and then switched away from it.
- What about variations on the hamburger?
- This hamburger is made of mystery meat
- My thoughts
- It seems to depend on whether users are familiar with the hamburger icon or not. If they are, it doesn't seem to me to be a big deal.